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Ep 22: Lochie Biele - Fitness & Business

Season #1

Want to know the insider's tips to avoid burnout and perform at a high level in your business from an elite fitness coach and bodybuilder?


In this not to be missed episode, I’m talking with Lochie Belie from Energetic Capacity who shares a wealth of information on how to manage the physical stress of running a business and getting the best out of yourself and your clients no matter what your industry.


Lochie Biele is an incredible human being and at just 23 he has already got some impressive achievements under his belt both for himself physically, his clients results and with his 3 businesses!


With his passion for helping people become limitless with their training and his purpose in life to fearlessly develop a method that will revolutionize the fitness industry in a way that will be remembered, you just know this is an episode you’ll remember.


Topics Discussed:

Turning adversity into opportunity

The surprising way social media scrolling leads to burnout

What you must do first thing in the morning

Best way to change your mood

Simple things to increase and decrease for well being


Connect with Lochie Biele:

Instagram: @lbf_onlinecoach

Facebook: Lochie Biele

Youtube: Lochie Biele

Linkedln: Lochie Biele



Insta: @energetic_capacity

Facebook; Energetic Capacity


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